Example of logline
Example of logline

example of logline

Let’s unpack why this is:įirstly, the word “neurotic” in that first logline has comedic insinuations. These two loglines have very different vibes: the first feels like a character-driven comedy, while the second feels like an action-packed science fiction film. Let’s have a look at what this may look like here’s an example of a logline: If your screenplay follows a conventional structure, however, you may consider including who your protagonist is and what or who they need to overcome. So, how do we write a logline, then? Unfortunately, there’s no official logline template. It proves that you know exactly how and why your story should exist.

example of logline

This is why a logline is so often required during the pitching process. If you can elicit an emotional response from your target audience with a single, concise sentence, you probably have a fantastic grasp of your story and character arc. While there are no hard and fast rules on how many words are in a logline, the industry consensus is that less is more.

example of logline

It may allude to a character arc or central conflict or, if your screenplay doesn’t follow the conventional Hero’s Journey, it might instead be a vague yet alluring outline that denotes tone or genre. It’s a one to two sentence summary of your screenplay that acts as a hook into your story’s world. But a logline’s purpose is much more nuanced than that.īefore we get to specifics, let’s start with the general: what is a logline? Well, it isn’t really a dog, for a start. It might be easy to judge the logline as unnecessary in the context of a well-thought-out story to view it as something you can slap together as quickly as your fingers can type.

Example of logline